Electronic Waste Recycling

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Virtually hundred percent of e-waste recyclable, but the majority of it is still being sent to landfills or else getting incinerated in developing nations. Both pose significant threats to our environment as well as to human health.

E-Waste recycling refers to all types of electronic equipment as well as gadgets such as:

  • Camera
  • Cell phone
  • Computer
  • Laptops
  • Televisions
  • Printers
  • Microwaves
  • Refrigerators






We at Virogreen offer supreme e-waste recycling services for business owners as well as individuals. If you have obsolete electronic devices which have stopped working and are as good as e-waste, consider hiring us for e-waste disposal.

Recycling E-Wastes saves natural resources


Most of natural resources happen to be non-renewable in nature. With e-waste recycling the valuable components can easily be separated as well as allowed to recover. We at Virogreen ensure reduce in pollution, save the resources and also save energy.

Electronic waste recycling in dubai

Minimize Pollution

E-wastes have a lot of toxic chemicals which are harmful for the health of human being as well as the environment. Those around electronics wastes are always at risk of suffering from serious illness as well as health disorders, due to inhalation of toxic chemicals.

We at Virogreen reduce the amount of pollution in soil, water and air with our finest e-waste recycling services. Our e-waste recycling services can lower the amount of space required for landfills which are the areas that are needed to cover waste materials. Hire us and enjoy a hassle-free approach of recycling your business and daily use e-wastes.

Our Aim

We are aiming to support individuals as well as companies recover value of their used resources and increase market visibility through CSR initiatives. We guarantee safe disposal of e waste materials and we provide our customers with data destruction certificate. 

Our recycling process guarantees safe disposal of Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment (WEEE). We provide our customers with a Green Certificate of Destructionwhich helps companies in accomplishing their Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) for keeping our environment clean. 

Electronic Waste Recycling in Dubai

Our Moment


Join hands with

#GoGreenWithVirogreen moment

 Its time to fight against electronic waste in UAE.


Electronic Waste Recycling in Dubai
We Are Professional

Virogreen is one of the professional E-Waste recyclers with vast industry experience. We provide skilled and exceptional e-waste recycling services throughout the UAE.

We Meet Environmental Compliance

We offer E-Waste management solution under the environmental guideline of UAE. We are committed to provide certified e-waste recycling services.

We Prevent Data Breach

We effectively destroy your data and prevent data from breaching. We make sure 100% data erasure through three-step procedure.

We Are Here to Help you

EWaste Recycling | Data Security | IT Asset Management